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During the RIDE2SHARE (lt. MANE VEŽA) initiative, motorcyclists in Lithuania offer rides to people with visual impairments. The event creates new experiences for both passengers and drivers. Registration for both is done simultaneously via the Dokobit e-signing solution, with passengers matched to drivers by location, motorcycle capacity, and passenger weight. Participants can register from anywhere in Lithuania and join in their city or district.

“With Dokobit, we were confident that participants signing the event rules were authorised and takes on responsibility – far more reliable than paper signatures. It’s also convenient to upload all documents in one go, and organisers receive the data in a user-friendly format. This saves time and, most importantly, reduces the chance of human error, which can be hard to fix in a noble, volunteer-driven initiative with minimal resources.”
Aldona Juozaitytė, creator and organiser of the RIDE2SHARE initiative
Before collaborating with Dokobit, the RIDE2SHARE initiative ran for five years, each year facing significant challenges with registration forms. Organisers had to prepare separate forms for passengers and drivers, but the largest issue was that the forms were not accessible to people with visual impairments. Passengers needed assistance to have someone read and fill out the forms, which created additional difficulties, as the process was neither smooth nor accessible for all participants.
While looking for a more reliable and user-friendly solution, the RIDE2SHARE team discovered Dokobit, an e-signing solution compatible with reading apps, making it easier for people with visual impairments to use. This was a major advantage, ensuring participants could easily and securely confirm their agreement to the event rules and take responsibility. Additionally, using an e-signature provided greater trust than paper documents.
Dokobit also offered a solution for managing all event documents in one place. This allowed for seamless submission and signing of all required documents at once, with the collected data automatically presented in an organised and convenient format for the organisers.
The implementation of Dokobit helped the organisers of the RIDE2SHARE initiative save time and avoid human errors, which can be a significant challenge given limited resources and volunteer work. The improved document management system not only increased efficiency but also ensured that all participants, regardless of their visual abilities, could equally engage in the initiative. The number of passengers reached a record high in the history of RIDE2SHARE, indicating their confident and eagerness to use the Dokobit e-signing solution.